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- Written by: J C Burke
- Category: SEE
- Hits: 980
The Net Zero Acolytes have got it all wrong! And its not Just Us - NetZeroWatch
My Christmas/New Year Message {a Present} to You - the general population and our 'deaf' Government See Letter to Dept of Energy & Net Zero
Government reliance on CENTRALISED power {electricity} generation is part of the root of their poor assumptions. It's the default position of 'Government' to think of CENTRALISATION - and that's just one problem that we will discuss in detail below. But Centralised Electricity Generation {gas/coal/bio-mass etc} is surprisingly inefficient - at converting fuel into electricity. Coal was the least efficient at 22%, with various Gas engines getting into the 30-35% fuel conversion efficiencies.
BUT the reason is the HEAT produced - is "squandered" up those Cooling Towers - if you read our previous articles you will see the futility of the Centralised Electricity Strategy - when there are clear, inexpensive and energy efficient alternatives {see later}.
The other assumptions {re Net Zero}, we have brought to your attention before in these articles on this platform Net Zero - They Haven't Got a CLUE and Again Net Zero - Cold Feet and the biggest question about "Fossil Fuels" a known misnomer
But, let us return to our interrogation with AI - Chat GPT in this case back in March 2023. Here we had to cajole AI into at least considering the alternatives {for once} and not being influenced by continued agenda politics {as we are again being subjected to in late 2024 and as it appears well into 2025. It has to STOP - as the Nation is being herded in the wrong direction - by politics and NOT Science. Read our Discussions with Chat GPT about Electricity Generation HERE
Once you read that - it's patently obvious that in order to radically improve Fuel Efficiency, we need to move to localised DECENTRALISED ENERGY {plus attendant Heat Networks}. For good strategic reasons -
- energy resilience,
- grid embedded energy and
- far greater energy efficiency.
Factor in, Bio-Methane production from Organic Waste Streams to power such decentralised systems then we have ENERGY AUTONOMY at the local level.
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- Written by: J C Burke
- Category: SEE
- Hits: 5489
What are Passivhaus Standard Requirements?
The requirements for a home to meet Passivhaus Standards. The Passive House Institute detail these as follows:
- Space Heating Energy Demand should not exceed 15 kWh per m2 of net living space per year.
- The Renewable Primary Energy Demand, the total energy to be required for all of your home’s domestic applications, must not exceed 60 kWh per m2 per annum.
- For Air-tightness, a maximum of 0.6 air changes per hour is allowed at 50 Pascals pressure (ACH50). This will be verified with an onsite pressure test.
- Thermal comfort should be met for all living areas for energy-efficient houses in both summer and winter seasons. This shouldn’t exceed 25°c for any more than 10% of the hours in a year.
- The "fabric first" concept of making sure the property is heavily insulated, is paramount - and generally to a much higher standard than current UK Building Regulations.
See our detailed blog regarding Passive House Standards as defined in the US/UK CLICK HERE
The image indicates the mechanical ventilation system [red and blue circuits] - in this example the fresh incoming air has been routed under the basement to pick up some 'heat' from the earth [in the winter] and to cool this same air in the summer - "Earth Heat Exchanger" A further method to reduce the total energy requirement of this design.
Also indicated is the summer sun entering the building via the windows, with suitable shading {roof overhangs] to prevent over-heating in the summer. However in winter, the lower sun will penetrate deeper into the structure, thus giving a valuable solar gain in these colder months.
The Basement will also be used for rainwater harvesting - to be filtered and used for flushing toilets and even bathing and showering etc. Thus reducing the cost of drinking water into the property.