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- Written by: Ned Nikolov and Karl F Zeller
- Category: Earths Climate
- Hits: 35
{See Ned Nikolov} "Ever wondered, what the Earth's surface temperatures would be under different atmospheric pressures?"
"This graph shows results from the latest extended NZ planetary temperature model based on the best available NASA data for Venus, the Moon, Earth, Mars, Titan and Triton. These planetary bodies were used to derive universal thermodynamic relationships (valid over a huge range of physical environments) between surface temperatures one hand and pressure, atmospheric density & incoming solar radiation on the other."
"The predictions for Earth depicted here are so accurate that you can take them to bank, as the saying goes."
The green curve shows average latitudinal temperatures under the current pressure (0.9855 bar).
"The overall pattern is that an increasing atmospheric pressure raises the mean global temperature while reducing the latitudinal temperature gradients at the same time. Thus, the higher the total pressure, the more isothermal the planet becomes! That's because molar air density increases with pressure, and a higher density makes the meridional heat transport more efficient due to the presence of large number of molecules per cubic meter carrying heat. Venus with its 93 bar of surface pressure is an example of an isothermal planet surface caused by a very high atmospheric molar density... The relationships are strongly non-linear, however."
Full Research Thesis Click HERE
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- Written by: J C Burke
- Category: Earths Climate
- Hits: 755
Based on considerable EXPERT TESTIMONY the Net Zero shenanigans and the demonisation of Carbon Dioxide are being shown to be false {gods?} The full expert Testimony is available as a PDF at this LINK - CLICK HERE
Their preface to their report is printed here: "We are career physicists who have specialized in radiation physics, dynamic heat transfer and computer modelling for decades, subjects directly relevant to the global warming debate. Each of us has published over 200 peer-reviewed papers, many on the science of climate or closely related subjects. Our curricula vitae are attached in the appendix."
"In our opinion, the District Court of The Hague findings that “dangerous” climate change and extreme weather are caused by CO2 emissions from fossil fuels are contradicted by the scientific method and only supported by the unscientific methods of government opinions, consensus, peer review, and cherry-picked or falsified data."
"Science demonstrates fossil fuels and CO2 will not cause dangerous climate change. Rather, there will be disastrous consequences for people worldwide if fossil fuels and CO2 emissions are reduced to “net zero,” including mass starvation."
What today's band of environmentalists claim {and we consider ourselves to be both environmentalists AND energy efficiency 'experts'} is that CO2 and (Methane) CH4 are bad for the environment, so should be severely limited. In addition these false scientific claims made by politicians {as opposed to expert physical scientists) - and repeated to indoctrinate the general population - are the basis of the fraudulent Net Zero Concepts. We have written about this several times in the past Net ZERO - They haven't a Clue and Cold Feet about Net Zero - additionally the misnomer of "FOSSIL FUEL" feeds into this misinformation paradigm. Our article about huge volumes of Hydro-Carbons on Titan, a moon orbiting Saturn clearly puts the concept of "Fossil Fuel" to the test - and it patently fails. Hydro-Carbons vs Fossil Fuel CLICK HERE to read.
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- Written by: J C Burke
- Category: Earths Climate
- Hits: 2221
"Volcanic eruptions rarely inject much water into the stratosphere [See NASA Article Click Here]. In the 18 years that NASA has been taking measurements, only two other eruptions – the 2008 Kasatochi event in Alaska and the 2015 Calbuco eruption in Chile – sent appreciable amounts of water vapor to such high altitudes."
""The amount of water vapor injected into the stratosphere after the eruption of Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai (HTHH) was unprecedented, and it is therefore unclear what it might mean for surface climate. We use chemistry climate model simulations to assess the long-term surface impacts of stratospheric water vapor (SWV) anomalies similar to those caused by HTHH, but neglect the relatively minor aerosol loading from the eruption"". Footnote 1
""The simulations show that the SWV anomalies lead to strong and persistent warming of Northern Hemisphere landmasses in boreal winter, and austral winter cooling over Australia, years after eruption, demonstrating that large SWV forcing can have surface impacts on a decadal timescale. We also emphasize that the surface response to SWV anomalies is more complex than simple warming due to greenhouse forcing and is influenced by factors such as regional circulation patterns and cloud feedbacks"". Footnote 2
""This extra water vapor could influence atmospheric chemistry, boosting certain chemical reactions that could temporarily worsen depletion of the ozone layer. It could also influence surface temperatures."" NASA
Massive volcanic eruptions like Krakatoa and Mount Pinatubo typically cool Earth’s surface by ejecting gases, dust, and ash that reflect sunlight back into space.
In contrast, the Tonga volcano didn’t inject large amounts of aerosols into the stratosphere, and the huge amounts of water vapor from the eruption may have a small, temporary warming effect, since water vapor traps heat.